Welcome to AppReply

Begin your journey with AppReply by setting up automated responses to enhance your app's user engagement and satisfaction.

Welcome to AppReply – your go-to solution for managing app reviews through automation. With full support for features such as authentication, multi-tenancy, and more, AppReply enables you to engage with your users efficiently. Follow these steps to set up AppReply and start automating your responses to user reviews in app stores.

Step 1: Sign up for AppReply

Begin by signing up for an AppReply account. Visit the sign-up page and create your account using our secure authentication system, which supports email, magic links, and social logins.

Step 2: Add your app

Once you've signed in to AppReply, it's time to add your mobile application to the dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the "Applications" tab in your AppReply dashboard.
  2. Click "Add an App" and enter the URL for your app's listing from Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Step 3: Integrate with your developer console

Invite AppReply as your Customer Support agent to your App Store Connect account or set up a secure API integration to connect AppReply with your Google Play console. This allows AppReply to send automated responses on your behalf. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in our integration guide.

Step 4: Configure automation rules

AppReply offers a variety of automation templates that you can use to respond to common types of reviews. Choose a template or create custom rules in the "Automation" section of your dashboard.

Step 5: Customize auto-replies

Customize the responses to fit your brand's voice and tone. Make sure to have a diverse set of replies to maintain a personal and genuine interaction with your users.

Step 6: Launch auto-replies

After setting up your responses, activate the auto-reply feature by toggling the switch in your dashboard. AppReply will begin responding to reviews based on your configured rules and conditions.

Step 7: Monitor and optimize

Keep track of the auto-replies through your dashboard. Use the insights provided by AppReply to optimize your responses and improve user satisfaction.

Need help?

Should you require any help or have questions during the setup process, our support team is ready to assist you. Simply contact us and we'll be happy to help you get started.

Start your journey with AppReply today and turn user feedback into a growth opportunity for your app.